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Frequently Asked Questions

You Ask. We Answer.

What is the CCA?

The Chapelton Community Association (CCA) is a two tier Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). This means we have a board of trustees (who are also members of the SCIO) who are accountable to the membership for the running of the organisation. Everyone in Chapelton aged 16 or over is eligible to become a member, as well as some a little further afield.

What does membership get me?

Being a member gives you voting rights, at members meetings and the AGM you have the right to vote for how you want the organisation to run. However, you don‘t need to be a member to attend any events/activities.

How much does it cost to become a member?

Nothing! It's free. We are a charity who raises funds for the local area through events but it's free to become a member.

How do I become a member?

Just fill in the membership form below. Your membership will be approved at the next trustees meeting, and your data will only be stored to contact you about your membership (we won‘t use it to contact you about general events/opportunities unless we have a second permission from you to do so). You can check out our privacy policy for more details on this.

Can I start a club or event supported by the CCA?

Absolutely and yes please! We are here to facilitate residents running their own clubs. If you are a member and need assistance with booking a venue, running ticketing, or insurance cover for your event then get in touch and we're here to help!

Apply for membership
Membership Criteria

I am aged 16 or over; and 

Select an option

Members of a SCIO have statutory duties under The Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (as amended).

As a member of Chapelton Community Association I agree to;

  • act in the interests of Chapelton Community Association

  • seek, in good faith, to ensure Chapelton Community Association acts in a manner

    which is consistent with its charitable purposes

    I have read and understand the Chapelton Community Association Constitution. (Available at:

    I have read and understand the Chapelton Community Association Privacy Policy. (Available at:

Thank you! We'll confirm your membership shortly.

Get to Know Us

As a charity we have plenty of very official documents. You can download them all from the links below.

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